Hillcrest is committed to fulfilling the Great Commission. We are active in both local and national mission projects, and we actively support the Southern Baptist Convention Cooperative Program. We are also apart of the New River Baptist Association and support local missionaries.

Local Missions
We support missionaries to our local high schools, Radford University, and Campus Crusade for Christ.
We have a van ministry to bring local kids to church on Sundays and provide breakfast, as well as, essential supplies and special gifts and opportunities throughout the year.
We also help support local pregnancy centers with a baby bottle drive!
We support the Food Pantry ministry of God’s Soup kitchen that exists to meet the needs of our neighbors experiencing a food crisis.
We help in the community Warming Center effort with other local churches to minister to those who are without shelter during the winter months.

On Mission To Our Nation
At Hillcrest, we desire to be On Mission to our Nation.
North American Mission Board (NAMB)
The North American Mission Board (NAMB) helps equip churches to be on mission in their own communities and across the continent. Through compassion ministry, church planting, chaplaincy and disaster relief, we help congregations go to the lost and hurting.
At Hillcrest, we desire for each of our members to take part in missions and a portion of our undesignated gifts each Sunday goes toward supporting NAMB missionaries.

The International Mission Board (IMB) exist to partner with churches to empower limitless missionary teams who are making disciples and multiplying churches among unreached peoples and places for the glory of God.
The North American Mission Board (NAMB) helps equip churches to be on mission in their own communities and across the continent. Through compassion ministry, church planting, chaplaincy and disaster relief, we help congregations go to the lost and hurting.
We long for each member to be a disciple of Christ, living with Gospel intentionality among our neighbors, the nation, and the world.